Somatic Coaching
Hi, my name's Moritz 👋

I guide you back to embracing and embodying your unique authentic self – from feeling tired of wearing a mask to forming deeper connections with yourself and the ones you love ❤️

Trained in various mindfulness-based and body-oriented approaches, I create a safe space where all of you – your vulnerabilities and strengths alike – are welcomed and held with compassionate curiosity.

Instead of analysis and advice, you will experience direct contact with your inner self and learn new ways of relating to your experiences in a more constructive and meaningful way.

Note: Until now, I've primarily offered my services in German, which is why the English version of my website is still under development. However, if you're interested in getting to know me, please feel free to book a complimentary introductory call! :)

I'm looking forward to getting to know you!

»Releasing and letting go of the difficult stuff in life can be hard. Really hard. Sometimes it seems an impossible task. But working with Moritz makes a difference. A real difference. It is a bit strange. He helped me shift and release some hard stuff in a soft, and at the same time direct, personal and strangely efficient way. Tears, then laughter. Pain, then humor and joy. I fully recommend Moritz.«
Jan, Norway